Thursday, November 26, 2009

Peacocks and such...

This is our first year to celebrate the holidays without all of our family in the U.S. Turkey Day was quite an experience. After deciding against roasting a peacock(which meander through our backyard in abundance) to see if it tastes anything like turkey, we ended up cooking our meal of rice & curry for dinner.... by candlelight! The electric company was trimming trees in our little village and knocked the power out for the entire neighborhood.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ranjani & Kelly

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Post #1

There is something slightly intimidating about the first post on your new blog. What to say?

Here is a little bit about us and what we do:

I (Ranjani) am a passionate photographer and I always try to look at the bigger picture. My favorite thing to do is to explore and meet new people and photograph the world around me. My mind is constantly spinning and creating. I'm a lazy procrastinator with a short attention span. Which means I have about 102 different projects going at the same time and usually only finish half of them. I would like to learn screen printing & also how to make my own shoes.

I (Kelly) am a voracious reader; but finding myself in a new country with a lack of English literary materials, I have devoted this extra time I've discovered to indulge my creative whims. I recently became acquainted with a fret saw and have been rewarded with what I like to call "man hands" (i.e. calluses and junk).

We live in a little village by the ocean. We are learning to speak Singhala and to cook curry. Playing in the rain and chasing rebellious monkeys out of our yard are frequent activities.

This blog is a place to post about our etsy shop and our favorite things... as well as ideas and curious ramblings.

What we do is a little bit earthy and deliberately creative.... we love new ideas and are always up for a challenge. We have fun with our work and each item we make is handcrafted, made with a lot of time and detail to create something uniquely wonderful.

Thanks for hanging out!